Your Wellness Journey Starts Here.

It’s time to reach the place in your nutrition journey where you could trust your body to tell you what it needs. To finally ditch the diet rules once and for all, and to start living.

Nutrition coaching for women who want to stop obsessing over food and feel empowered to reach whole body wellness, from the inside out.

If you’ve tried every diet under the sun and are left feeling frustrated, defeated and more confused, you’re not alone. It seems like every other day a new diet trend emerges, promising rapid weight loss and miraculous transformations. But let's face it, most of these fad diets are “one-size-fits-all” approaches that restrict entire food groups and have strict rules, which make it nearly impossible to achieve your goals.

Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated.

Don't let fad diets dictate your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Break free from the cycle. Let’s work together to build guilt-free, realistic and sustainable habits for LIFE.

I firmly believe in a holistic and sustainable approach to health and wellness. My focus is on overall well-being, nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods (without giving up the ones you love), and fostering a healthy relationship with food and yourself.

I’m a Registered Dietitian, Certified Personal Trainer and virtual nutrition coach.

I help women ditch restrictive diets and replace them with sustainable nutrition habits to reach their optimal wellness. Through a holistic approach rooted in science-based nutrition education, optimizing lifestyle factors and tuning into mindful eating, I am confident I can help you achieve your nutrition goals and live in a body that you love.

Hey, I’m Stef!

What Clients are Saying

  • "Stefanie has helped me debunk every food rule I was taught at a younger age. She has shown me that food is not good or bad but meant to be enjoyed. Through her continued guidance I now enjoy everything I love while building a healthy body and mind going into this next milestone in my life. Everyone needs Stefanie in their life!"

    -Jennifer H

  • "A good friend of mine introduced me to Stefanie after I had been complaining about sluggishness, fatigue and an overall "blah" feeling. Stefanie assembled a customized anti-inflammatory diet and coached me on avoiding/limiting certain foods that were sapping me of my energy. She's super knowledgeable and created a plan that I could stick to. After a few months, I have noticed a difference in my energy level and have less muscle fatigue. My sleep is even more restful. I highly recommend Stefanie if you're looking for a really great Dietitian to help you feel great."

    -Shari G

  • "Stefanie is a knowledgeable and compassionate dietitian. I learned that I was pre-diabetic and my doctor told me that I needed to change my eating habits and lose the extra weight. I felt overwhelmed and at a loss as to how best deal with this information. With Stefanie's guidance and encouragement, I lost 30 pounds! My A1c is now within the normal range and I am no longer pre-diabetic. She continues to be my "cheerleader"! Whenever I have any questions, she is always there to help me stay on track."

    -Judy L

  • "Stefanie is extremely easy to talk to. She listens without judgement and makes an effort to get to know her clients. She also created a meal plan for me which was very helpful. She worked with me to develop a new and exciting outlook on making lifestyle changes as opposed to feeling like I was on "another diet". She really showed me that it's not about doing a big overhaul of your eating habits at once. Small obtainable changes day to day are what makes the difference in feel better. She got me exciting in working towards the goal of feeling like my best and healthiest self."

    -Cori W

  • "I was treated this past year for Celiac, Gastroparesis and Lactose Intolerance. When I was looking for a Dietitian, Stefanie was my first choice for MANY reasons. She took the time to really listen to me and help me when no one else could. I began to realize the depth of her knowledge about nutrition was superior. She has helped me discover how to eat better with simple changes. She created an entire meal plan for me based off of what I can and can't eat. While I know there is still a long road ahead of me, I feel so confident that with Stefanie's guidance, I will get my gut health back to a good place. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a great Dietitian!"

    -Valarie G